Thursday, June 21, 2007

Greetings from Galt & Wilton

Let's play a game of word association. What's the first thing that pops into your mind when you see the word...Galt? For me, it's the word "market." I've visited Galt a handful of times for the Galt Market on Wednesdays. Another "market" (or rather a grocery store) that comes to my mind is Save Mart, though recently, the Albertsons locations in Elk Grove are now part of Save Mart (but that's another story).

The next word that would come to mind is "newspapers." Today, Jeff and I went down to Galt to visit Herberger Publications, where the Elk Grove Citizen and many other publications (including a paper I used to work for: Cosumnes River College's student newspaper, The Connection) are published. I met many people and got to see the large (and noisy) machines that print the newspapers.

We took "the scenic route" back to the office by going through Wilton. This was the second time in my life that I had ever visited this place and seen the farmland (or what remains of it). One of the most unexpected things I saw were certain animals, such as a zebra (definitely an unexpected sight and not something one sees every day). Along the way, Jeff would point out different things, as if he was a tour guide. He shared little news tidbits as we passed by certain places. I rode shotgun in his car, and apparently, I was the first person to ride along with him in months. By the look of things, I wasn't too surprised about that!

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