Tuesday, July 31, 2007

This is Suppose to be Relaxing?

I don't consider myself a crafty person, but recently, I took up knitting. I visited Knitique in Elk Grove. Besides selling yarn and products related to knitting, there are also classes. The story was originally suppose to be about a Wednesday night class, but it turned out to not be a class at all, at least not a formal one: a group of ladies sat around a table, chatting, knitting and occasionally helping each other with their handiwork from 6-8 p.m. for the shop's "late nights."

In reality, the people who really got to experience a knitting class was the photographer, Rebecca, and me. The owner of the shop, Danielle, actually gave us our own knitting needles and let us choose between four different colors of yarn. She taught us how to knit a scarf, which (in theory) is pretty basic since you're doing the same thing over and over again. I was having a harder time with knitting than Rebecca, but eventually, I got the hang of it, thanks to Danielle and Paula, who works at the shop. In fact, I became so caught up in my knitting that I ended up coming by the shop a second time, this time concentrating more on getting quotes from different people about the shop and their experiences with knitting.

Each person had their own knitting-related story, and that's what I tried to capture in my article. Although the story ended up being more like a business profile, I wanted to focus on the human element. To the people I spoke with, knitting is more than just a hobby, pastime, or method of creating more sweaters and blankets. Instead, it has had an impact on their lives, especially when it comes to forming relationships with other people or helping them to relax.

Just about everyone I spoke to said that knitting is therapeutic, relaxing, or practically like breathing. Well, if that is the case, then there have definitely been times when I've struggled for air, and back at home, my mom has had to come to my rescue: one of my stitches would be too loose or too tight, or I'd totally mix something up. So far, I have completed about five inches for my scarf. I have to really concentrate and pay attention when knitting, so it hasn't been so natural for me that I can watch a movie and knit without looking down (like at least a couple ladies that I've met). However, it gives me something to do, and it's nice to take a break from the computer once in awhile to knit.

Danielle said knitting kept her relaxed when she was in high school. Since the start of the school year is just around the corner for me, maybe I'll see if that works for college students too.

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